
Anyone can apply to be a member of the Alano Club of Vancouver Society! You will help “keep the doors open” for the thousands who need your support to live a life free from addictions to alcohol and other drugs, and other addictive disorders.

Rights & Benefits of Membership

  • Support the Recovery Community! Your membership helps to ensure we can continue to provide a safe space and recovery resource hub for the community.

  • Our membership register demonstrates to governments, corporations and potential donors that our services are valued by, and needed in, the community.

  • Members in Good Standing may attend and vote at General Meetings, and elect the Board of Directors.

  • Connect with the Recovery Community to strengthen and support your own recovery.

  • Perform Service through volunteering with The ALANO Club of Vancouver.

Annual Membership Dues: $120.

Apply for Membership

Please complete the application below. A staff member will contact you to arrange dues payment & issuing of membership card. Applications are reviewed for acceptance by the Board of Directors, in accordance with the Societies Act SBC 2015, and our registered Society Bylaws. The ALANO Club of Vancouver reserves the right to refuse membership and/or obtain further information prior to approving/denying membership.

Membership (from registered Society Bylaws)

Duties of members (2.2): Every member must uphold the constitution of the Society and must comply with… Bylaws and Policies of the Society. A member who does not do so may have their membership terminated by the Board with notice to the member.

Member not in good standing (2.4): A member is not in good standing if the member fails to pay the member’s annual dues, if any, and the member is not in good standing for so long as those dues remain unpaid.

Member not in good standing may not vote (2.5).

Termination of membership if not in good standing (2.6): A person’s membership in the Society is terminated if the person is not in good standing for 6 consecutive months.

Discipline and expulsion of a member (2.7): The Board may discipline or expel a member for violation of any Bylaw, Policy or procedure or in accordance with the Act. If so expelled, membership is terminated.

Privacy Statement

The ALANO Club of Vancouver collects, retains and uses personal contact information in compliance with privacy and other legislation including the Societies Act of BC. We maintain a Registry of Members with personal contact information for members, as required under the Societies Act. This information is not shared with any parties except as required by law, in compliance with internal Bylaws, or without your consent. Your information will be used to conduct business of the Society, including for delivery of Notices and General Meeting documents, and other information required to be delivered, or of use to members of the Society for reasons consistent with our Constitution and Bylaws. If you believe your information on file is incorrect or has been incorrectly used, please inform the Privacy Officer of the Society in writing, via the Board of Directors, at the official address of the business.

Data Collection

By submitting this application, I understand and agree that: The ALANO Club of Vancouver Society will collect, retain and use my information provided for purposes of complying with the Societies Act of BC and any other governing laws and regulations such as they may be from time to time. It may be used to keep me informed on the business and activities of the Society, and to generally conduct business of the Society as required, and as pertains to me as a member. It is my responsibility to ensure my personal information held by the Society is up to date. I will abide by the Society bylaws, policies and other requirements such as they may be from time to time. 


The purposes of the Society are: The ALANO Club of Vancouver Society provides a safe and accepting gathering place for those affected by addiction. We encourage people to seek renewal of their lives through recovery; to once again become healthy, happy and productive members of the community.

Code of Conduct Policy

Intent of Policy

To ensure members, guests others attending the Club treat one another and the Club with respect and courtesy, and maintain a safe environment.

The following are not allowed in the Club or in the Club grounds and can result in a temporary or permanent ban from the premises. They may also result in termination of membership or prosecution, where appropriate.

  1. Fighting: Striking or pushing another person, whether provoked or not.

  2. Sexual Harassment: Verbal, physical, or visual conduct of a sexual nature.

  3. Verbal Harassment: Verbal threats, intimidation, or degrading statements.

  4. Possession of any weapon.

  5. Loitering or trespassing when Club not open and available for patrons or visitors, or when asked to leave by Alano representative.

  6. Possession of drugs or alcohol.

  7. Not wearing shoes or a shirt.

  8. Panhandling (asking for money or handouts).

  9. Soliciting business of any kind.

  10. Smoking is not permitted in the Club or on Club property, except NINE METRES from door, window or air intake.

Additionally, while not prohibiting the use of foul language, the Club asks that guests be respectful and considerate of others and refrain from the excessive use of profanity and vulgarity.

The Club Management and Board reserve the right to remove any persons(s) whose behavior is deemed disruptive to the general health, safety, sobriety, and welfare of Club guests.

Further, the Alano Club has a strong relationship with the Vancouver Police Department and will enforce trespass laws for person(s) not complying with this Code of Conduct and No Harassment Policy.


If you have a formal complaint to file against any individual(s), who appears to be violating the Code of Conduct and No Harassment Policy, your complaint must be submitted in writing on a timely basis at the Club Office. The Board of Directors rule on complaints. Violations of this Code will result in actions ranging from verbal warning to being permanently barred from the Club (and criminal prosecution when appropriate) depending on the frequency and/or severity of the behavior. Following full and complete investigation and review decisions of The Board of Directors are final.